Why is Back Pain Hard to Diagnose?

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? You’re not alone. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting the doctor. However, chronic back pain can be difficult to diagnosis. Let’s look at the reasons behind this problem.


Reasons Why Back Pain Can Be Difficult to Diagnose


#1 Our Spines are Complex Structures

First of all, our spines are very complex and made up of many different components. Our spine is made up of bones, ligaments, discs, and nerves. Due to all these parts, pinpointing the exact reason and source of pain can be challenging.


#2 Pain Can Occur Away from Source

Where you feel your back pain may not actually be the location of the pain’s source. In fact, the pain you feel in one location may actually be caused by a problem in a different location of your body.


#3 Lack of Patient Information

When you visit a back pain doctor, he or she will ask you many questions about your pain. These questions will help the doctor get a better understanding of your pain levels, location of the pain, pain duration, and what makes it worse. Your doctor will also ask about headaches and any tingling or numbness you feel in your arms or legs. If you are unable to recall the answers to these questions, the doctor may lack the right information to make a proper diagnosis.


#4 Back Pain is Subjective

Like all types of pain, back pain is highly subjective. Each person experiences pain differently. For example, two people may have the same back problem and source of pain, but one person may report mild pain while the other reports severe pain.


#5 Diagnostic Tests May Be Inconclusive

Imaging tests such as MRIs, CT scans, and X-rays can provide a lot of useful information about the inside of your body. However, the results may be inconclusive. Therefore, a combination of tests and exams may be needed to further pinpoint the cause of your back pain.

Finding a Back Pain Doctor

If you are living with chronic back pain, it may be time to see a back pain specialist. Our Las Vegas back pain doctors at Apex Medical Center will help you achieve the pain relief you are looking for. Schedule an appointment today!

Image courtesy of hyena reality at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Apex Medical Center

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