5 Tips for Preventing Knee Pain and Injury

Common causes of knee pain occur from everyday wear-and-tear, injury, and overuse. From repetitive work tasks to sports injuries, our knees can take a beating throughout our life. Whether it’s from a strain, ligament tear, break, or osteoarthritis, knee pain can be very debilitating. Here are some general prevention tips to avoid knee problems.

Ways to Prevent Knee Pain and Injury

Don’t Carry Too Much Weight

Carrying objects that weigh too much puts stress on your joints. Even being overweight and carrying too much body weight can strain your knees.

Properly Warm Up Before Physical Activities

Stretching and warming up before exercise or physical activity can reduce the risk of knee injury and pain. Stretching keeps your knee muscles flexible and less tense.

Try Low Impact Exercises

High impact exercises, like running, can injure the knee if done too much. Opt for low impact exercises like swimming to give your knees a break.

Wear Shoes With Good Support

The type of shoe you wear can impact the load placed on the knee joint. A well-cushioned shoe will help absorb the impact of your foot hitting the ground. If you are a runner, replace your shoes every 300-500 miles. Also, avoid wearing high-heels, as these place a greater force on the joint. In fact, a study found that high heel wearers experienced a 23% greater force on the knee than barefoot walkers.

Find a Physical Trainer

If you exercise, consider working with a physical trainer to ensure you are performing your exercises correctly. Lifting weights improperly or over exerting yourself can lead to knee injury and pain.

Chronic Knee Pain vs. Acute Knee Pain

Acute knee pain usually occurs after trauma or an injury. It’s your body letting you know that you’ve been hurt. As the injury heals, the pain lessens. However, when the injury heals and you still experience pain, this becomes a condition called chronic pain. Chronic pain can last for months and years. Usually, pain is diagnosed as chronic after about 3 months.

If you are experiencing chronic pain, it is recommended that you seek out a pain doctor. Pain doctors specialize in diagnosing and treating chronic pain. Contact Apex Medical Center to learn how our Las Vegas and Henderson pain doctors can help you.

Image courtesy of yodiyim at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Apex Medical Center

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