Tips to Prepare for Allergy Season Now

It seems everyone looks forward to springtime. Everyone except allergy suffers, that is -- and for good reason. Along with the warm weather comes the increased mold and high pollen counts that plague allergy sufferers.

Don’t wait for allergy symptoms to make you miserable this spring. Here are some ways you can prepare for the spring allergy season before it strikes.

See your allergist

Spring allergies are typically treated with antihistamine medications, but there’s no need to wait until you’re sneezing and have a stuffy nose to see your allergist. In fact, antihistamines work best if you take them about two weeks ahead of when you usually get symptoms.

Once inflammation sets in, antihistamines don’t work as efficiently. Starting treatment early goes farther to keep allergies at bay.

Eat allergy-fighting foods

The foods you eat can have an impact on your allergies. When allergy season approaches, you can ease your symptoms by stocking up on anti-inflammatory foods that help fight your body’s reaction to allergens. Some foods have natural antihistamine ability and packing your diet with them ahead of spring allergy season and throughout can help provide some relief.

Here are some allergy-fighting must haves for your diet:

Make your home mold resistant

Higher mold levels during the spring months can really kick your allergies into gear. Get in on spring cleaning early by mold-proofing your home ahead of allergy season. Mold grows readily in damp, dark places, so check under your sinks and in your basement for leaks and repair any that you find.

Ensure that there’s proper ventilation in high-moisture parts of the home, such as bathrooms, the kitchen, and the laundry room. Use a dehumidifier to keep the humidity at 30-60%.  

Replace of purchase a HEPA air filter

Removing allergens from the air in your home will go a long way in preparing for allergy season. HEPA filters are very efficient at removing allergy-triggering particles from the air. The filter will trap allergens to help bring you relief once allergy season is in high gear. HEPA filters are efficient at decreasing the following allergens in your home:

Lock Pollen Out

It may seem tempting to let some fresh spring air into your home. Who wouldn’t want to feel the calming coolness of a spring breeze? Unfortunately, with allergy season around the corner, opening your windows means aggravating your allergies.

Close the windows in your home before pollen levels start to rise to reduce the amount of pollen that gets in.

Pop in to see the team at Apex Medical Center to make sure this allergy season doesn’t drag you down. Call us today to schedule an appointment or use our convenient online booking tool.

Apex Medical Center

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