Blog Archive

The Importance of Visiting a Travel Medicine Specialist Before International Trips Mar 7th, 2025

Getting your passport in order, arranging transportation to the airport, packing, buying airline tickets, making hotel reservations, and ensuring your plants get watered while you’re out of town are just a few of the many tasks you may need to complete before an international trip. Amid the flurry of activity,...

Diet Changes You Can Make Today to Improve Your GERD Symptoms Feb 4th, 2025

About one in five people have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. This chronic condition causes heartburn.  At all three locations of Apex Medical Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, our experts treat patients with gastrointestinal issues such as GERD. We recommend that they carefully evaluate their diet and make changes that...

How Counseling Can Help When You’ve Been Diagnosed with a Serious Mental Health Disorder Jan 1st, 2025

The phrase “serious mental illness” is used to discuss any mental health condition that is likely to have a long-term and profound effect on the person’s life. These conditions can make working, going to school, being a good parent, or having healthy relationships more difficult.  The providers at all locations...

4 Types of Arthritis and How They’re Treated Dec 1st, 2024

When someone says “arthritis,” most people think of osteoarthritis because it’s the most common and one of the most recognized conditions. However, over 100 conditions are classified as arthritis, and the type determines the best treatment.  At all three locations of Apex Medical Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, our experts...

Take These Steps Immediately If You Think You Have Whiplash Oct 24th, 2024

Whiplash happens when your neck is violently overextended, and around 3 million people experience it each year in the United States. Although it’s often called a muscle strain, whiplash can damage your vertebrae, the discs between them, ligaments, and even your nerves and muscles.  The providers at all three locations...

Was Your Loved One Just Diagnosed with a Mental Health Problem? Here Are Some Helpful Options Oct 1st, 2024

Around 44 million people in the United States have some mental disorder each year. It can be difficult for family members and loved ones to know what to do or how to help best.  At all three locations of Apex Medical Centers, our providers are trained to offer mental health...

What Makes an Allergy Seasonal? Sep 1st, 2024

All allergic reactions are caused by your immune system overreacting to something in your environment, but the reaction can vary from life-threatening to merely annoying. Seasonal allergies tend to trigger reactions like a runny nose or sneezing rather than allergies to medications, foods, or insect stings, which can cause anaphylaxis,...

What Can I Do to Reduce the Chance I’ll Develop Diabetes? Aug 1st, 2024

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world. About 1 in 10 adults in the United States have diabetes, and many don’t know it—which increases the chance of experiencing complications.  At all three locations of Apex Medical Center, our expert providers treat patients who...

Is There a Link Between Arthritis and My Diet? Jul 1st, 2024

Arthritis is not one disease, although it’s often talked about like it is. If someone says, “I have arthritis,” they say they have some condition affecting their joints. It could be osteoarthritis, which is caused by normal wear on their joints, or it could be rheumatoid arthritis, which is an...

Signs You Have a Pinched Nerve Jun 18th, 2024

Nerves run throughout your body and are responsible for your sense of touch. Your nervous system is also a messaging system in that your brain sends signals along your nerves to tell your muscles to contract and relax, to your lungs to breathe in and out, and for many other...

What Most Don’t Realize About Fibromyalgia May 15th, 2024

Around 4 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and the most common symptom they share is widespread pain. Learning to understand and manage your symptoms is crucial to living with fibromyalgia, but it’s often challenging because the condition isn’t well understood.  Since our specialty at Apex...

Tips for Avoiding Neck Pain Apr 8th, 2024

Neck pain is one of those near-universal problems, with almost everyone experiencing it occasionally. It’s unpleasant and expensive because it often leads to missing days at work. At Apex Medical Center, our providers specialize in pain management, which means helping patients manage chronic pain and avoid acute (short-term) pain when...

Can You Get Migraines Later in Life? Mar 1st, 2024

Migraine, unlike so many other conditions, tends to become less likely with age. For most people, migraine begins during adolescence, peaks during their 40s, and then becomes less of a problem in the following years. That’s not a hard and fast rule, though, and some people do continue to have...

Understanding the Different Joint Types and Why They Can Cause Pain Feb 1st, 2024

Joints are where two bones meet, and there are different types. Your hip is a ball and socket joint, your knee a hinge joint, and you may even know that facet joints connect your vertebrae. But have you ever considered what about joints that don’t move?  The experts at Apex...

Is Working Remotely a Pain in Your Neck? Jan 18th, 2024

The year 2020 is memorable for many reasons, but one thing that continues to impact patients at Apex Medical Center is the widespread ability to work from home. Along with more people working from home over the last three years, our experts have also noticed an uptick in patients with...

10 Telltale Signs Your Loved One May Have a Mental Health Disorder Dec 1st, 2023

Mental illness is far more common than most people realize. In fact, in the United States, 20% of adults experience mental illness every year, and 5% experience serious mental illness. If you’re wondering if someone you care about is dealing with mental health issues, there’s a good chance they are. ...

Is This What’s Triggering Your Frequent Migraine Headaches? Nov 2nd, 2023

The prodrome, aura, attack, and post-drome are all too familiar to people with frequent migraine attacks. An attack can last for days; during that time, it can be all but impossible to take care of your obligations, never mind participating in enjoyable activities.  Apex Medical Center's staff is dedicated to...

4 Different Types of Depression: Signs and How to Find Relief Oct 4th, 2023

Depression is extremely common, but people aren’t always aware they have depression or don’t fully understand that it’s a medical term. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is “at least two weeks when a person experienced a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in daily...

How to Manage Your Ragweed Allergy This Fall Sep 10th, 2023

If you’re allergic to pollen, you might think of spring as the time of year to work on managing your allergies. But, about three-fourths of people who are allergic to pollen are also allergic to ragweed, which blooms in the fall.Understanding the symptoms of ragweed allergy is the first step...

5 Ways to Manage Arthritis Pain for Better Sleep Aug 6th, 2023

Poor sleep is associated with numerous health issues, and most adults in the United States don’t sleep enough. If you have arthritis, you’re much more likely to struggle with sleep than an average person.  The providers at Apex Medical Center often see arthritis patients who have fallen into a difficult cycle of pain causing poor sleep...

Signs Your Neck Pain Stems from a Medical Condition Jul 16th, 2023

Everyone has experienced neck pain at some point or other. Maybe you slept wrong, or had pain during or after a stressful situation. It happens. But sometimes, neck pain requires medical attention.  The experts at Apex Medical Center treat all kinds of pain syndromes, including neck pain. One thing we’ve noticed is that sometimes people can’t...

Try TENS Therapy to Relieve Your Chronic Pain Jun 8th, 2023

Chronic pain disrupts the lives of an astounding number of people. It stems from a variety of causes, but the result is the same — you struggle to live a normal life. Physical activity may be difficult, your relationships may suffer, and you likely feel as if your world is...

3 Eating Disorders and How They Are Treated May 9th, 2023

Eating disorders affect your physical, emotional, psychological, and social functioning. Although there are many more, in this post we discuss the three most common eating disorders, which include binge eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa.  The highly qualified experts at Apex Medical Center recognize that in many instances, eating disorders co-occur with other...

How Hormones Can Trigger a Migraine Apr 2nd, 2023

Like most things, migraine attacks happen on a scale. Some people have intense attacks progressing through various stages that may last several days. Others may have milder, rarer attacks. Regardless of where your migraine attacks fall on the scale, they likely disrupt your life.  Our practitioners at all three locations of Apex Medical...

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Whiplash? Mar 16th, 2023

There’s a reason bad things are described as being a “pain in the neck.” When your neck hurts, even turning your head when someone says your name is difficult. Whiplash is a particular kind of neck pain that may last longer than you expect.  Blog:  You’ve probably experienced the pain...

Most People Don’t Know This About Depression Feb 21st, 2023

Nearly everyone feels sad or gets the blues now and then. After all, life is full of challenges! But, major depressive disorder is more than feeling down.  At Apex Medical Center, our highly trained experts help many patients who have depression, which is a very treatable condition. One thing we’ve...

Myths and Facts About Group Counseling Jan 18th, 2023

When it comes to treating mental health issues, practitioners and patients have a wide variety of options, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle interventions. And, within each of those categories of treatment, there are further options, such as the type and dosage of medication, the most suitable form of therapy, or...

Joint Health Tips You Can Start Using Today Dec 16th, 2022

Do you remember the freedom of running, jumping, and playing when you were five or six years old? You probably never thought about your joints, but you sure used them! As the human body ages, joints become vulnerable to damage due to wear and tear. At Apex Medical Center, our...

Signs You May Need Marriage Counseling Nov 1st, 2022

No matter how wonderful things may seem early on, eventually, all marriages have rough spots. You may think of marriage counseling as an extreme solution, but in truth, counseling can be helpful for most couples.  At Apex Medical Center, Dr. Sung Cho offers family and marriage counseling. Counseling is a...

5 Things That May Be Making Your Joints Ache Oct 1st, 2022

The phrase “joint pain” covers a lot of territory. Even if you narrow your joint pain down to arthritis, you’re talking about any one of more than 100 different diseases that affect the joints!  The experts at all three locations of Apex Medical Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, are familiar with the potentially debilitating...

What to Expect at Your Hypnotherapy Session Sep 1st, 2022

There may not be another type of therapy that has been more misrepresented or embellished in popular culture than hypnosis or hypnotherapy. If you think of a person on stage swinging a shiny object and getting people to act like chickens when you hear the word “hypnosis,” you’ve absorbed the...

I Feel Anxious All the Time Aug 1st, 2022

If you’ve turned on the news lately, you’ve probably found yourself worrying. As the world begins to recover from a two-year-long pandemic, with all of the fears and difficulties widespread sickness entails, and we collectively face the threats of climate change, you may not see a way to avoid anxiety....

What Allergies Can Lead to Anaphylaxis? Jul 3rd, 2022

Most people have some experience with allergies, even if it’s just sneezing when the pollen is heavy. But, some people have more severe allergies that can lead to a certain type of reaction called anaphylaxis.  The providers and staff members at Apex Medical Center treat numerous patients who have allergies. Although any allergen can lead...

Did You Know Your Stress Can Compromise Your Respiratory Health? Jun 1st, 2022

It’s peak allergy season, we’re still dealing with the fallout of a respiratory illness that caused a pandemic, and breathing is on everyone’s mind. Many people, though, aren’t aware of the connection between chronic stress and respiratory health.  The highly qualified expert providers at Apex Medical Center treat numerous types...

What’s Triggering Your Allergies? May 3rd, 2022

Experts estimate that some 40-50 million Americans have allergies and/or asthma. If you find yourself sneezing with watery eyes and an itchy, running nose, you may have hay fever, a very common allergy to pollen. Other common allergic reactions are to food — tingly mouth, swelling of the mouth, tongue,...

How Trigger Point Injections Can Alleviate Your Pain Apr 7th, 2022

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about 20% of adults in the United States have chronic pain. Chronic pain is pain you feel most days or every day for more than six months.  The experts at Apex Medical Center specialize in helping patients manage pain. We...

Telltale Signs Your Loved One Is Suffering from Depression Mar 29th, 2022

Experts estimate that around 21 million people in the United States have had at least one depressive episode, making it one of the most common mental health issues. A person with depression may not recognize the symptoms in themselves, but often their loved ones can see them more clearly.  Most...

Covid-19, a Cold, or Seasonal Allergies? Feb 24th, 2022

As we hurdle toward the third year of the coronavirus pandemic, you have probably wondered at some point whether your symptoms were COVID-19, influenza, a cold, or maybe seasonal allergies. All four conditions have overlapping symptoms, so it makes sense to be unable to tell.  We’ve taken precautions such as...

Is Working from Home Causing You Neck Pain? Jan 13th, 2022

Working from home means no commute, more flexibility with your day, and of course, the ability to stay socially distant and less exposed to germs and viruses. However, all of that comes with at least one potential drawback — the likelihood of increased neck pain.  Chronic neck pain is a...

Can I Prevent a Migraine? Dec 13th, 2021

Over one billion people worldwide have migraine headaches, and it’s the third most common disease in the world. Anyone can get migraine headaches, though it affects more adult women than adult men—but in children, more boys than girls have migraine headaches.  At Apex Medical Center, our staff of expert providers...

7 Things That Put You At Risk for Back Pain Nov 14th, 2021

About 65 million Americans have had a recent bout of back pain, and about 16 million develop chronic back pain. Back pain limits what you can do, causes lost productivity, and can be expensive.  At Apex Medical Center, our expert providers prefer to help you avoid pain instead of help...

5 Common Migraine Triggers Oct 13th, 2021

If you have migraines, you know how disruptive they can be to your life and routines. If you need to be in a darkened room with a cold compress for 24 hours, how can you work, care for your family, or enjoy social activities? Scientists don’t completely understand the pathology...

Can You Develop Allergies as an Adult? Sep 13th, 2021

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, around 50 million Americans have some kind of allergic reaction each year. Children are particularly susceptible to allergies, but you can develop allergies as an adult, too.  The expert providers at Apex Medical Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, find that adult...

5 Little Known Signs of an Eating Disorder Aug 17th, 2021

Although you may think that eating disorders affect mostly teenage girls and models, the fact is, many people of different ages and from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds grapple with their relationship with food. Eating disorders are complex medical and psychological illnesses which can be life-threatening without proper treatment and...

How Does Arthritis Impact Mental Health? Jul 25th, 2021

Many forms of arthritis are associated with increased risk of developing a mental health disorder such as anxiety or depression. Your risk depends on several other factors such as the severity of your arthritis, your pain levels, your age, gender, and even how experts measure the mental health issue.  At...

Who Is a Candidate for TENS Therapy? Jun 28th, 2021

More than 25 million American adults experience pain every day. Pain that lasts for more than six weeks is considered chronic, and it can be disruptive to your life, difficult from a psychological perspective, and damaging to your relationships. One potentially helpful treatment approach is the use of a transcutaneous...

Understanding Bioelectric Therapy May 13th, 2021

Chronic pain is a public health problem. Experts aren’t sure exactly how many adults in the US have chronic pain, but estimates are between 11% and 40%. Chronic pain can be the result of a condition such as arthritis or fibromyalgia, or can be due to an injury, such as...

The Differences Between Headaches and Migraines Apr 4th, 2021

The International Headache Society classifies headaches into two groups: primary and secondary. Primary headaches are the problem themselves; secondary headaches happen because of some other problem.  For example, a tension headache is a tension headache and isn’t associated with anything else. A sinus headache, however, is caused by a sinus...

Treatment Options for Psychiatric Problems Mar 15th, 2021

About 20% of US adults have a mental health disorder, and some experts put that number even higher, at more than 25%. However, understanding that your problem is a common one and getting proper diagnosis and treatment are very different things.  At Apex Medical Center, our experts know that mental...

Here’s Why It’s Important to Seek Treatment for Whiplash After an Auto Accident Feb 15th, 2021

Although it is possible to injure your neck in other ways, auto accidents are the most common way whiplash occurs. The fast, sudden jerking backward then forward that causes whiplash happens in even the smallest collisions, which is why it’s such a common injury in car accidents.  At all three...

The 3 Most Common Causes of Back Pain Jan 28th, 2021

Almost everyone experiences back pain at some point in their lives. For many, the pain is acute — which means it lasts six weeks or less. For some, back pain becomes chronic. Either way, back pain is uncomfortable and can disrupt your life in numerous ways.  At Apex Medical Center,...

Why Your Joint Pain Increases in the Winter and What to Do About It Dec 2nd, 2020

Do your joints hurt more just before it snows or rains? The scientific evidence for how weather affects your joints is scant, but the feeling of pain is all too real!  The experts at Apex Medical Center encourage our patients to remain as active as possible, but if your joint...

How Does Depression Affect Sleep? Nov 5th, 2020

The team of experts at Apex Medical Center understand that many conditions overlap and compound and impact your health in sometimes surprising ways. Two of the most closely connected conditions are depression and sleep issues.  The association between depression and sleep is complicated, not entirely understood, and goes both directions....

How Exercise Can Help Alleviate Arthritis Pain Oct 8th, 2020

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, and some 50 million Americans are diagnosed with this painful disease. One thing that all types of arthritis share is joint pain. It may seem counterintuitive, but exercise is one of the best ways to deal with the pain caused by...

Fighting Back Against Allergies Through Immunotherapy Sep 21st, 2020

Have you ever heard someone say, “Oh, it’s just allergies” and wished you could be so casual about allergies? Some people may get a runny nose or itchy eyes from allergies, but others have life-threatening or debilitating reactions.  At Apex Medical Center, our providers understand that sometimes allergies decrease the...

Know Before You Go: The Importance of Travel Medicine Aug 17th, 2020

Regardless of the season or the year, the experts at Apex Medical Center want you to be safe when you travel. Medical care isn’t usually at the top of your mind when you travel, but you should certainly give travel medicine some consideration, especially right now.  Before you go Under...

5 Summertime Skin Ailments to Watch Out For Jul 27th, 2020

During the summer, you probably spend more time outside, enjoying the sun. For the most part, summertime activities tend to be good for you. However, there are several skin ailments that our experts at Apex Medical Center see more often in the summer.  With a bit of preparation, you can...

What To Do If You Need Your DOT Physical Jun 16th, 2020

In order to obtain a commercial driver’s license, which allows you to operate certain vehicles such as big trucks or busses, you must first pass a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical exam. The professionals on our staff at Apex Medical Center are happy to offer DOT exams.  If you’ve never...

Gastrointestinal Issues: How To Know Which Foods Are Bothering Your Stomach May 21st, 2020

The experts at all three locations of Apex Medical Center understand how uncomfortable simply eating can make some people. If you have gastrointestinal symptoms often, you may have a food intolerance or even an unidentified allergy. Your gastrointestinal health can have an enormous impact on your life, and we’re here...

5 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally Apr 20th, 2020

The experts at Apex Medical Center are experienced in treating numerous chronic conditions. Happily, some such conditions, such as high blood pressure, can be treated through natural interventions, such as lifestyle adjustments.  About one-third of adult Americans have high blood pressure, or hypertension. Hypertension is a problem because it can...

What Are Trigger Point Injections? Mar 5th, 2020

Chronic pain can occur in many forms and be due to a plethora of underlying causes. Happily, the providers at Apex Medical Center understand the impact of chronic pain on your life, and bring their skills and experience to bear in helping you learn to manage your pain. One pain...

Learn How Aromatherapy Can Help Your Pain Management Feb 1st, 2020

Millions of Americans live with chronic pain, and treating it has proven difficult for conventional medicine. Aromatherapy, perhaps unexpectedly, is offering a measure of relief to some patients. The practitioners at Apex Medical Center can help you understand how aromatherapy could help lower your pain levels.  Aromatherapy is more than...

5 Effective Methods to Prevent Foot Pain Jan 1st, 2020

Feet get made fun of for being ugly. When was the last time you heard someone admire a beautiful pair of feet?  In spite of the lack of admiration, your feet are amazing feats of biology. They not only bear your weight all day, they also absorb shock with every...

The Link Between Diabetes and Obesity Dec 1st, 2019

Diabetes is common in the United States, with experts estimating that more than 29 million people have it. As many as 8 million may not know they have the disease, because it often doesn’t have noticeable symptoms.  The healthcare providers at Apex Medical Center are familiar with diagnosing and treating...

The Dangers of Tech Neck Nov 1st, 2019

“Text neck” or “tech neck” is an increasingly prevalent overuse injury that is a real pain in the neck! Until very recently, neck pain tended to increase with age. For the last few years, though, younger patients have been seeking treatment for chronic neck pain. As specialists in pain management,...

Is Stress Causing Your Chronic Migraines? Oct 1st, 2019

If you’ve had chronic migraine for any length of time, you’ve probably spent some time thinking about your triggers. One trigger that is often difficult for people to identify is stress. If stress is pervasive in your life, you may not even realize that it’s a migraine trigger. Or, you...

Drug Free Treatments for Fibromyalgia Pain Sep 1st, 2019

Fibromyalgia is a complex condition. It may have taken years for you to get a diagnosis, and you may still be looking for the right combination of treatments to manage your pain. Pain robs you of your ability to function well. You may find the simplest tasks impossibly difficult, and...

What Makes Opioids So Addictive? Aug 1st, 2019

Unless you live in a very quiet bubble, you already know that there’s an opioid addiction epidemic in the United States. Every day, 78 Americans die due to opioid overdose, and more than half of those deaths are due to an overdose of prescribed pain relievers. The numbers are staggering,...

The Link Between Stress and Hypertension Jul 9th, 2019

If you’ve been diagnosed with hypertension, or high blood pressure, you may want to consider your day-to-day stress levels. Stress is a normal, and important, physical reaction to certain circumstances. However, if you live with chronic stress, your health is likely to suffer.  Hypertension is a symptom of heart disease,...

Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Lower the Risk of Developing Back Pain Jun 1st, 2019

Back pain is one of the most common complaints among American adults. It leads to days of missed work, discomfort, and lost sleep. Most of the time, back pain resolves on its own, in less than six weeks; but wouldn’t it be better to avoid it altogether? There are a...

Why Persistent Neck Pain Should Always Be Checked By a Doctor May 2nd, 2019

Neck pain is common, and most of the time it resolves on its own. However, if you have neck pain that lasts for days or weeks, you may have an underlying condition. Neck pain can be caused by an injury, poor posture, normal wear and tear on your body, or...

How Depression Can Affect Your Life and Why Seeking Treatment Is Important Apr 10th, 2019

If you think you may have depression, it’s time to book an appointment at Apex Medical Center and seek treatment. Depression is far more than feeling down or blue. It can affect every part of your life. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, about 15 million Americans...

Lifestyle Modifications That Can Help with High Blood Pressure Mar 1st, 2019

The guidelines that define what qualifies as high blood pressure changed in 2017. Now, if you’re blood pressure is above 120/80 mm Hg, it’s considered elevated, and if it’s 130/80 mm Hg, it’s classified as Stage 1 hypertension and should be treated. These guidelines are based on recommendations from the...

What You Should Know If You Are Suffering from GERD Feb 13th, 2019

Gastroesophageal reflux is the medical name for acid indigestion. It’s that burning, uncomfortable sensation that you feel after eating certain foods, or eating too much. If you have acid trouble a couple of times a week for several weeks, you likely have gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. GERD is associated...

5 Common Triggers of Migraines Jan 7th, 2019

If you have migraines, you probably have triggers—foods, drinks, activities, and other things that can cause, or trigger, migraine pain. Knowing your individual triggers, so you can avoid them, can help you experience fewer migraines. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a tidy list of items and activities that...

Am I at Risk of Developing Melanoma? Dec 5th, 2018

Melanoma is a type of cancer that develops in skin cells that are called melanocytes. Melanocytes manufacture melanin, which is a brown pigment. The number of people who have melanoma has been growing for the last 40 years. The Melanoma Research Foundation lists 10 risk factors for melanoma. If you...

3 Ways Stress Can Take a Toll on Your Body Nov 26th, 2018

According to a Gallup poll, 44% of Americans say they frequently feel stressed. No matter the source of your stress, if you don’t get relief, it’s likely having a negative impact on your body. Here are three ways that stress can impact your health. Your respiratory and cardiovascular system work...

6 Treatments For Overcoming Joint Pain Oct 15th, 2018

Knees, shoulders, hips, elbows, or any other joint in your body can be subject to aches and pains, from overuse, aging, or a degenerative condition. Arthritis is a common culprit, but injuries or even poor body mechanics may cause joint pain as well. For most people, relieving that pain turns...

Seeking Relief from Seasonal Allergies Sep 26th, 2018

Seasonal allergies are a major source of sickness and discomfort. They sort of sneak up on you and strike, even when you know that the season is coming. Maybe you’ve had a winter of smooth, relaxed breathing and then the sun’s heat reaches the pollinating flowers and boom, your nose...

Thinking Of Driving Commercially? What You Can Expect From A DOT Physical Aug 24th, 2018

Becoming a commercial driver has been your lifelong dream. You passed an interview with a great company and you’re almost ready to make that dream become a reality. But first, you need your commercial driver’s license (CDL), and part of that process involves passing a Department of Transportation physical that...

Five Signs You May Be Suffering From Depression Jul 20th, 2018

Feeling sad is a normal part of life. But after a day or two, you should start to feel better. If you struggle with long-lasting sadness that affects your appetite, sleep patterns, and overall well-being, you might be struggling with depression. Our doctors at Apex Medical Center want you to...

Natural Options for Pain Management Jun 22nd, 2018

Dealing with chronic pain can have an unbelievably widespread effect on your life. Not only does the pain cause extreme physical discomfort, it can govern your overall mental well-being in ways that leave your emotions raw, even leading to depression and anxiety.If the thought of surgical procedures or pain medications...

High Blood Pressure AKA The Silent Killer: Ways To Manage High Blood Pressure May 18th, 2018

When the force of the blood flowing through your blood vessels is consistently too high, you have high blood pressure. High blood pressure leads to serious health problems such as: heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and more.High blood pressure often has no signs or symptoms so it is highly important...

6 Common Causes of Neck Pain and How to Avoid Them May 14th, 2018

Neck pain can compromise your range of motion and interfere with your daily life. Even turning your head to answer a question or check traffic becomes a painful experience. Most cases of neck pain resolve on their own in a few days or, at most, a few weeks, but it’s...

Living with Fibromyalgia Apr 20th, 2018

Living with any chronic condition presents challenges, but living with a chronic condition that others can’t see and that is not well-understood by the scientific community can be especially difficult. About 10 million people, mostly women, in the United States have fibromyalgia, and the symptoms that most of them share...

Tips to Prepare for Allergy Season Now Mar 29th, 2018

It seems everyone looks forward to springtime. Everyone except allergy suffers, that is -- and for good reason. Along with the warm weather comes the increased mold and high pollen counts that plague allergy sufferers.Don’t wait for allergy symptoms to make you miserable this spring. Here are some ways you...

How Untreated Depression Can Affect Your Health Feb 16th, 2018

How Untreated Depression Can Affect Your HealthDepression impacts your overall health, and may occur along with other medical conditions such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, or diabetes. It may also cause problems such as alcoholism or drug addiction, which present separate health risks. Depression and sleepDepression can cause sleep disorders, and...

Is a Migraine a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease? Feb 2nd, 2018

With February being American Heart Month, some of our blogs have been dedicated to heart disease awareness. A recent Danish study published last month in the BMJ, sheds light on migraines being a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Migraines and Cardiovascular DiseaseMigraines are an incapacitating collection of symptoms that...

February is American Heart Month: Let’s Talk About Prevention Feb 1st, 2018

Sadly, many of us know someone who is affected by heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, over 2000 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day. However, there is a way to make a difference! In fact, approximately 80 percent of cardiovascular diseases may be preventable with lifestyle changes...

Sleep, Chronic Pain, & PTSD in Children: What’s the Link? Jan 31st, 2018

According to the National Center of PTSD, up to 43% of boys and girls go through at least one traumatic experience. Of those that went through trauma, 3% to 15% of girls and 1% to 6% of boys develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some traumatic events can include physical...

Can Menopause Make Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Worse? Jan 30th, 2018

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a painful and disabling autoimmune disease that targets the joint linings. Although men can develop this disease, women are three times more likely to develop it. Also, many women find that their RA symptoms and pain worsen with menopause. Although researchers aren’t exactly sure why this...

How Weight Loss Can Help Reduce Pain and Increase Energy Levels Jan 29th, 2018

Obesity rates in the U.S. remain very high. In fact, over one third of American adults are obese. The obesity epidemic has taken a toll on Americans. From negatively affecting people’s health to being an expensive healthcare cost, there are many reasons to combat this epidemic. Additionally, people who are...

4 Daily Habits to Help Reduce Pain & Improve Quality of Life Jan 26th, 2018

Pain relief does not always have to come from medications. A few lifestyle changes can help ease pain and improve the quality of your life. Even when paired with medications or your other treatment methods, certain lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Many pain doctors are beginning to see...

This Group is 80% More Likely to Experience Chronic Pain Jan 25th, 2018

While it has been known that poorer and less-educated older Americans are more likely to suffer from chronic pain compared to the more educated and wealthy, the disparity between these two groups was not fully realized until recently. In fact, the gap is quite significant. Recent research has revealed this...

Diabetes and Leg Pain Jan 24th, 2018

Diabetic neuropathy is one of the more serious complications that diabetes can cause. Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage where high blood sugar damages nerve fibers. This nerve damage can occur throughout your body; however, the most common areas affected include the legs and feet. There are four...

Is Yoga Effective for Pain Management? Jan 23rd, 2018

Chronic pain takes a toll on you - both mentally and physically. In fact, chronic pain can even alter the structure and activity of your brain. In a study of chronic back pain, researchers found that people suffering from back pain less than two months had brain activity limited to...

Could You Be at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Jan 22nd, 2018

Are You at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes?Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes depends on factors you can’t control, including age, family history, and ethnicity. But certain risk factors you can control, including your diet, weight, and exercise habits. In fact, you can likely avoid developing the disease with a...

Suffer from Migraines? Try These Room Darkening Tips Jan 22nd, 2018

Light sensitivity is a common migraine trigger. It is believed that the optic nerve, which sends signals about light to the brain, plays a role in migraines and light sensitivity. Common light sources that can trigger a migraine include the sun, TVs, computer monitors, and fluorescent lighting. Not only can...

Where Can I Find a Pain Management Doctor? Jan 19th, 2018

Did you know that chronic pain affects more Americans than heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined? According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Out of these chronic pain sufferers, the most commonly reported type of pain was lower back pain - then...

Safe Medicine Storage: Tips to Keep Your Children Safe Jan 18th, 2018

Most parents agree that storing both over-the-counter medicine and prescription medicine in a safe place and out of the reach of children is very important. In fact, according to a survey by Safe Kids Worldwide, 90% of parents agree it is important to store medicine up high and away from...

What Causes Chronic Pain in Fibromyalgia? Jan 17th, 2018

Fibromyalgia causes widespread musculoskeletal pain. Other problems that can accompany this disorder include insomnia, persistent fatigue, feelings of depression or anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. However, symptoms widely vary from person to person, so it makes diagnosing the condition difficult. Fibromyalgia: What Causes It? Fibromyalgia doctors aren’t certain what causes this...

Different Types of Migraines: Which Do You Have? Jan 16th, 2018

Migraines are intense headaches that often include nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, light sensitivity, and neck pain. These headache attacks can last for a few hours to a few days. Although migraine specialists aren’t sure of the exact cause of migraines, these doctors do know that there are both genetic and...

Can Stress Make You Sick? Jan 15th, 2018

 Everyone experiences stress. However, some people deal with more stress than others. Managing and reducing stress is an important part of pain management as well as disease prevention. How Chronic Stress Harms Your Body & Makes You SickStress and PainThere is a link between chronic pain and stress, depression, and...

Is Smoking Linked to Chronic Back Pain? Jan 12th, 2018

Did you know there are many studies that link smoking to chronic lower back pain? In fact, according to a study by Northwestern University, smokers are much more likely to develop chronic back pain than non-smokers. Additionally, another study found the prevalence of chronic lower back pain was 23.3% in...

Don’t Get Sick: 3 Tips for Preventing Illness at Work Jan 11th, 2018

With the winter and flu season upon us, it’s important to maintain good healthy habits. Not only is being sick miserable, but staying healthy helps to avoid extra medical costs and missed work (which can save you some money in the long run). 3 Tips for Staying Healthy at WorkWhile...

Can Sugar Cause Headaches? Jan 10th, 2018

Did you know that both too much sugar and too little of sugar can cause headaches? When you consume too much sugar at once or don’t eat for an extended period of time, you can cause rapid fluctuations in your blood sugar levels which can trigger a headache. Some people...

Differences Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Jan 9th, 2018

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints. It is not a single disease. There are over 100 types of arthritis. Some similar symptoms of arthritis in general include joint stiffness and joint pain. These symptoms make it difficult to move around and perform everyday tasks. Let’s take a look at the...

Can Social Interactions and Relationships Improve Health? Jan 8th, 2018

Social relationships and interactions are key components of what it means to be human. But did you know that there is a positive correlation between social interaction and health? In fact, the link between the two may become even more important as we age.Studies indicate that social relationships are associated...

5 Healthy Ways to Distract Yourself from Pain Jan 5th, 2018

Chronic pain can be made worse by stress, anxiety, and depression. Not only can our negative emotions and mental state make pain worse, but pain can make us more depressed, stressed, and anxious. This can create a vicious cycle of chronic pain and chronic depression or anxiety. However, there are...

4 Ways to Treat Pain without Medication Jan 4th, 2018

Pain relief and pain management are not a “one size fits all” approach. Everyone experiences pain differently. In fact, two people with the same condition could feel different levels of pain. However, due to the opioid epidemic and side effects of these stronger pain medicines, more pain management doctors have...

Different Types of Headaches Jan 3rd, 2018

Did you know there are over 100 types of headaches? Different types have their own symptoms and often need their own targeted approach for treatment.  3 Types of Headaches MigrainesMigraine headaches are intense. Many patients describe them as a throbbing or pounding pain. Oftentimes, migraine sufferers also experience nausea, vomiting, and...

6 Tips for Easing Neck Pain Jan 2nd, 2018

Many of us have experienced a stiff neck before. It’s a common condition and is often caused by some sort of strain to the muscles or ligaments around the cervical spine.  Whether we sleep the wrong way or have poor posture, it’s not too difficult to cause some sort of...

How to Make a Migraine Journal Dec 29th, 2017

As soon as they set in, migraine headaches alter the ordinary course of your day. You can’t perform school or work tasks, and it is difficult to enjoy time with friends and family. If you suffer from these headache attacks, a migraine journal, also called a migraine diary, will help...

What are Repetitive Motion Injuries? Dec 28th, 2017

Repetitive motion injuries are very common. These injuries are caused by repeated motions you do over and over on a consistent basis - such as running, scrubbing a floor, throwing a baseball, and typing on a keyboard. Over time, the wear and tear of the repeated actions cause microscopic tears...

4 Key Factors of a Healthy Lifestyle - Pain Management Edition Dec 27th, 2017

Did you know that very few American adults meet the criteria for a healthy lifestyle? In fact, a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that only 3% of American adults got a perfect score for the study’s standard for healthy living (the study listed 4 basic criteria...

What is Degenerative Disc Disease? Dec 26th, 2017

As the name implies, degenerative disc disease describes the process of the spinal discs degenerating or deteriorating over time from wear and tear. It can be a painful condition, causing pain, weakness, numbness, and discomfort. The most common areas affected by this condition are the neck and lower spine. This...

7 Healthy Resolutions for the New Year - 2018 Pain Management Edition Dec 22nd, 2017

Many Americans enjoy making New Year resolutions. The New Year is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and think about the future. If you are looking for relief from chronic pain, consider these 7 healthy New Year resolutions for pain management. 7 New Year Resolutions for Health and...

Can Positive Thinking Help With Pain Relief? Dec 21st, 2017

Did you know that expectations of pain can have a significant effect on how we experience pain? Studies have shown that positive and negative expectations of an impending painful stimuli change how we perceive and feel the pain.  Positive Expectations Can Lower Ratings of PainA study in 2005 found that...

What is a Herniated Disc and How Can it be Treated? Dec 20th, 2017

Our spines provide the main support for our body. It allows us to stand, bend, twist, and perform other movements. Our spines are made up of 33 interlocking bones called vertebrae. Each of these vertebrae are separated by a disc, which provides protective cushioning and padding. What is a Herniated...

6 Lifestyle Factors That Can Increase Your Risk for Back Pain Dec 19th, 2017

While the aging process and genetics play a role in the development back pain, there are some lifestyle factors that can also contribute to back pain. Unlike aging and genetics, you can be in control of these lifestyle factors. Let’s take a look.6 Factors That Can Put You at Risk...

Understanding Pain: What is it? Why do we hurt? Dec 18th, 2017

When we think of pain, we think of an occurrence that is unpleasant and discomforting. We don’t want to experience pain. Instead, it’s something we want to avoid. However, despite its uncomfortableness, it is essential to life and survival. Pain tells us when something is wrong or if we’re in...

Exposure to Terror Attacks May Increase Risk of Migraines & Headaches Dec 15th, 2017

A recent study published in the medical journal Neurology found that exposure to terror attacks increased the risk of frequent migraines and tension-type headaches in the adolescent survivors. The study interviewed hundreds of survivors from Norway’s largest mass killing.In 2011, a gunman opened fire on a youth camp killing 69...

Can Smoking Make Chronic Pain Worse? Dec 15th, 2017

Some people turn to smoking tobacco when in pain. In fact, evidence suggests that pain can be a strong motivator of smoking. While cigarette nicotine can stimulate the body’s natural pain relief system, the long term effects of smoking can actually lead to more pain. Due to its harmful effects,...

Best Sleeping Positions for Back Pain Dec 14th, 2017

Are you looking for a way to reduce chronic back pain at night? A simple change in mattress, pillow, or sleeping position could help you. In fact, certain sleeping positions are better for reducing back pain than others. See what our Las Vegas back pain specialists have to say about...

What is Chronic Pain Prevention? Dec 13th, 2017

Benjamin Franklin once said: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Although he was talking about fire safety at the time, his quote is also very applicable to the health field. Several diseases, chronic pain conditions, and injuries are preventable, and it is often far more easier...

How to Minimize Chronic Pain at Bedtime Dec 12th, 2017

Do you experience chronic pain at night when trying to fall asleep? Many chronic pain sufferers may report higher levels of pain at night. The biggest reason this happens may have to do with fewer distractions at bedtime. During the day, you are busy with work, family, friends, errands, and...

Medication Assisted Therapy & Treating Patients with Opioid Abuse Issues Dec 11th, 2017

The opioid crisis in the United States has been a growing problem during the last few decades. At least 2 million Americans are addicted to opioids. Helping these patients break the addiction cycle is a major challenge and concern. Therefore, prescribing and successfully administering an effective treatment plan is very...

What is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet and How Can It Help? Dec 8th, 2017

Inflammation is the body’s response to illness and injury. It is an important element of the healing process. However, some people have medical conditions that cause faulty inflammatory responses, which can lead to pain. If suffer from a chronic inflammatory disease, an anti-inflammatory diet may help you. While it might...

5 Tips for Preventing Knee Pain and Injury Dec 7th, 2017

Common causes of knee pain occur from everyday wear-and-tear, injury, and overuse. From repetitive work tasks to sports injuries, our knees can take a beating throughout our life. Whether it’s from a strain, ligament tear, break, or osteoarthritis, knee pain can be very debilitating. Here are some general prevention tips...

How to Migraine Proof Your Home Dec 6th, 2017

Looking for some pain relief from your migraines? A good plan for migraine pain management starts with avoiding your triggers. The best place to start practicing this is in your home. We usually have the most control over our home environment. Once we can migraine-proof our homes, it will be...

Ergonomics & Preventing Pain at Work Dec 5th, 2017

Ergonomics involves the study of the relationship between workers and their environment - such as their office and equipment they use every day. Ergonomics has been around for awhile, and this field was initially concerned with the safety and efficiency of factory workers. Now, this field of study has expanded...

Six Tips for Coping with GERD During the Holidays Dec 4th, 2017

Enjoying food and drink with friends and family over the holiday season is an essential part of the Christmas spirit for many. The sheer volume of goodies on offer is daunting, and it’s an easy time to justify overindulgence.If your thoughts about seasonal revelry are tempered with concern over frequent...

7 Ways to Naturally Eliminate Stress & Bring Pain Relief Dec 4th, 2017

We all experience stress. Some of us experience it on a daily basis. The pressures of work, family care, and a long list of everyday tasks can weigh you down. These everyday stresses not only affect you on an emotional and mental level, but they can also affect you physically....

5 Tips to Minimize Back Pain at Your Desk Dec 1st, 2017

Do you work at your computer and desk every day? If you are like most Americans, you probably spend a significant amount of time sitting at your desk at work. Slouching over at a desk is a top reason for work-related back pain.Here are a few simple fixes and tips...

Causes of Joint Pain and Stiffness Nov 30th, 2017

Joints are where two or more bones meet, and they allow for movement and flexibility. When we think of joints, some common ones come to mind: hip, shoulder, wrist, and knee. However, there are hundreds of joints in the body, and they can be the cause of great pain.Anatomy of...

Why is Back Pain Hard to Diagnose? Nov 28th, 2017

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? You’re not alone. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting the doctor. However, chronic back pain can be difficult to diagnosis. Let’s look at the reasons behind this problem. Reasons Why Back Pain Can Be Difficult to Diagnose #1 Our Spines...

Different Types of Treatment Pain Clinics Offer Nov 27th, 2017

If you suffer from back pain, arthritis, migraines, fibromyalgia, or another painful condition, a pain clinic may be a good option for you. These pain management centers specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of pain. Pain management doctors often use a combination of different treatments when prescribing their patients an...

What is Upper Back Pain and What Can Cause It? Nov 25th, 2017

Are you experiencing upper back pain? While upper back pain is less common than neck and lower back pain, it’s still an uncomfortable and stressful experience. Back pain, regardless of the location, can be debilitating. In fact, back pain is one of the leading reasons of missing work and is...

What are the Different Types of Arthritis? Nov 21st, 2017

Arthritis is the inflammation of your joints, and the main symptoms include joint stiffness and joint pain. This often makes it difficult to perform daily tasks and move around. While there are over 100 types of arthritis, the three most common types include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis.3 Common...

Are You at Risk of Developing Back Pain? Nov 20th, 2017

Back pain is a common problem, and anyone can develop it. Children, teens, and adults can all experience some type of back pain. In fact, back pain is the second leading reason for visiting the doctor, and about half of Americans experience back pain each year.However, there are some factors...

6 Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays Nov 19th, 2017

With the Thanksgiving and winter holiday season upon us, it’s an exciting time of year. We enjoy holiday parties, meet up with our friends and family, shop, and feast on work potlucks. To fully enjoy the holidays, it is important to remain healthy. Here are 6 ways to stay healthy...

What is Lower Back Pain and What Can Cause It? Nov 17th, 2017

Are you experiencing lower back pain? You’re not alone. About half of Americans experience back pain every year. Let our trusted pain doctors explain to you the different types of back pain, its causes, and various treatment options. Lower Back Pain Explained The lower back, or lumbar spine, is prone...

Managing Back Pain in Older Adults Nov 17th, 2017

As we age, many of us find our health in decline. Many older adults even report an increase in pain as they age. In fact, researchers in the National Health and Aging Trends Study interviewed adults who were 65 years of age and older. The study found that over half...

What You Need to Know About Prescription Opioids Nov 16th, 2017

Prescription opioids may be used to relieve pain, and they are often prescribed after an injury or surgery. While these medications may be a key component of a treatment plan, it is important to understand that these medications come with side effects and serious risks. Risks, such as addiction and...

Low-Impact Exercise: Improving Mobility & Decreasing Pain in Older Adults Nov 15th, 2017

You’re never too old to reap the benefits of exercise! A recent study, titled Effects of a Culturally Tailored Low-Impact Exercise Program for Chinese Older Adults in NYC, found that older adults with arthritis and other joint pain significantly benefited from low-impact exercises. Many senior adults often become physically inactive,...

Do I Have a Pinched Nerve in My Back? Nov 13th, 2017

A pinched nerve in your back can cause back and neck pain. It can also cause numbness, tingling, and pain in your arms and legs. A pinched nerve occurs when a nerve is compressed from a traumatic injury, bad posture, repetitive motion, or degenerative diseases. If the compression of the...

Coping with Chronic Pain after a Car Accident Nov 10th, 2017

Common injuries caused by car accidents include whiplash and neck pain, back pain, headaches, and broken bones. It is important to seek out medical attention as soon as these injuries occur. However, sometimes the pain from these injuries can persist months after the car crash. If you find yourself suffering...

What to Expect from a Pain Management Doctor Nov 8th, 2017

Your first visit to a pain management doctor may be a little overwhelming and may make you nervous. However, understand your doctor and his/her team are there to help you discover the root of your pain and help you treat it. In order to ease some of this apprehension, it...

What May Be Causing Your Shoulder Pain? Nov 7th, 2017

The shoulder is a joint that is prone to problems. This is because it is one of the most movable joints in the body. Since it is a ball-and-socket joint, you are able to rotate your shoulder in all directions. A healthy shoulder joint can rotate smoothly without causing you...

How Radiofrequency Treatment Relieves Back Pain Nov 6th, 2017

Chronic back pain is one of the top causes for visiting a pain management doctor. If you suffer from chronic back pain, ask your doctor about radiofrequency ablation (RFA). RFA is a safe, outpatient procedure that treats back pain and allows you to return to your normal daily activities quickly....

Benefits of Losing Weight for Pain Management Nov 6th, 2017

Did you know that being overweight and chronic pain can be related? Evidence has shown that obesity is significantly associated with the presence of pain, and studies have found that pain is more prevalent as a person’s BMI (Body Mass Index) increases. Obesity and pain seem to coexist with each...

What are Pain Clinics & What Do They Do? Nov 3rd, 2017

Over 25 million American adults suffer from daily pain. Chronic pain can negatively affect your energy levels and quality of life. It can even make it difficult for you to sleep. If you find yourself constantly suffering from a severe ache - whether it was caused by an injury, disease,...

Can Exercise Help with Pain Management? Nov 2nd, 2017

If you suffer from chronic pain, you probably have days where you want to lie in bed all day. It’s tempting to want to stay in. Pain makes it difficult to function, concentrate, and enjoy your day. However, when this happens on almost a daily basis, this can lead to...

Do You Know Your Migraine Triggers? Nov 1st, 2017

Why is it important to know what triggers your migraines? Uncovering your triggers is important to prevention, and prevention is a key part of your pain management process. To learn what triggers your migraine, start a journal to keep track of your symptoms and when they occur.When using a migraine...